🔥WE ARE FIRE TRAINERS🔥 - Lars Nylander


We spoke to Lars Nylander at Thinea Brand & Räddning in Sweden.

Lars Nylander runs the training company Thinea Brand & Räddning www.thinea.se. They have offices in Strängnäs in Sweden and covering fire training in the whole of Sweden.

How has your work or organization changed since you started using the VR Fire Trainer?

Since we brought in the VR Fire Trainer two years ago, our organization has seen some big changes. We started with just one, but now we have three and about to get the fourth because they've been so helpful.

Using the VR Fire Trainer has made our work a lot easier. We don't need to bring as much equipment anymore, like gas fires and lots of extinguishers. This means we can use smaller cars, which is great for us.

One unexpected bonus is how it helps us stand out when we're marketing our training sessions. People love the experience—it's like a fun game, and it really impresses them. Plus, we used to worry about sessions getting interrupted because of technical issues, but that hasn't happened since we started using the VR Fire Trainer. We’ve never not completed a training session!

Here's a cool thing that happened once: we had a person who only spoke Polish join our training. Thanks to the VR Fire Trainer being available in different languages, everyone could still learn, no matter what language they spoke.

Do you have any key metrics for your improvement?

Yes, we have key metrics for our improvement. By using smaller and fewer cars, we produce less exhaust during our journeys. We've also started switching to electric vehicles, which helps even more.

Before in our traditional fire training, 6-10 participants would practice on 1 CO2 Extinguisher, which generates about 5 kg of CO2 into the environment.

With our new methods, we aim to reduce this. The VR Fire Trainer helps us use resources more efficiently and lower our carbon footprint.